Brett and Emily Keeble from Zeerust raked in the wins at the Numurkah Beef Show.
Numurkah Agriculture Society held a successful beef show on February 17.
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There were eight exhibitors and judging was conducted by Rob Onley, from Mortlake.
There were also 18 enthusiastic junior competitors showing cattle, and they had the opportunity to judge and comment on their decision.
Champion Junior Heifer was led by Claudia Ross from Katamatite and Reserve Champion Junior Heifer was led by Erin Ferguson from Macorna. Both heifers are owned by Macorna Limousin.
Brett and Emily Keeble from Zeerust’s Legacy Poll Herefords received many awards, including Grand Champion Female, Supreme Champion Exhibit, and Champion Female and Calf.
Ken and Gill Lorains from Whitby Farm Lowline, Zeerust, won Grand Champion Bull and Reserve Champion Female.
Alli Parker from Numurkah scored Senior Champion Bull with her Highland bull.
Judge Rob Onley and Alli Parker, from Numurkah, with her Senior Champion Bull.