Excellent Anzac addresses in Rutherglen

Rutherglen High School captains on centre stage, Kayla Horne and Thomas Frazier.

Following attempts to have US Ambassador to Australia Caroline Kennedy as Rutherglen’s Anzac Day guest speaker, subsequent choice Major Michelle Wyatt OAM CSM was welcomed and delivered an excellent address to the estimated 500-strong crowd last Thursday.

Pictured, from left: New Zealand National Anthem singer Mark Brown, Australian National Anthem singer Katie Hurley, Rutherglen RSL Sub Branch President Craig Williams, Anzac Requiscat deliverer, President Rutherglen RSL Ladies Auxillary Rosemary Hince, guest speaker Major Michelle Wyatt OAM, Rutherglen High School captains Tom Frazier and Kayla Horne, and Rutherglen-based Indigo Shire Councillor Roberta Horne.

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